Funeral legal framework in France

Organizing a funeral or a repatriation in France from abroad

The loss of a loved one requires making numerous decisions quickly. Discover how to organize a funeral in France from abroad, without having to travel.

The loss of a loved one is a painful moment. Time is short and many decisions must be made. Who should you turn to? Which funeral home? Who offers the best price? These are all questions that you can get answers to from the comfort of your home. Discover how it is now possible to organize a funeral remotely, without having to leave your home.

Organiser des obsèques sans se déplacer

The advantages of organizing a funeral from abroad

Traditionally, to organize a funeral in France, you must:

  • visit a store in person

  • spend several hours in a meeting

  • bring all the necessary documents and give them to the seller

  • and possibly return to the store if you have forgotten any documents

Now you can do everything from home or abroad without having to leave. There are many benefits to doing it remotely.

A huge time saver

No need to waste time traveling or in a multi-hour meeting with a consultant. A phone call of a few minutes is enough to get all the necessary information.

No more unnecessary back and forth

If you have forgotten a document, you can simply email it once you have found it. No need to travel.

You can compare

Doing everything from home allows you to take the time to compare and freely choose the company you prefer, rather than being under pressure from the seller in front of you.

Organize the funeral from a distance

If the death has occurred in a city far from your current residence, you no longer need to travel, find temporary accommodation, and wait several days for the funeral.

You can make the arrangements and provide all the necessary documentation in advance, only traveling for the day of the funeral.

Funeral services at a fair price

How does it work?

You have 2 options:

  • either you want to be autonomous and fill in some information on our website to get a funeral quote

  • or you want to be guided by a professional and you call us at +33 9 77 55 39 39, 7 days a week

If the funeral quote obtained suits you, all the funeral and administrative organization is carried out by us, following your wishes. A consultant is present to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

On the day of the funeral, a master of ceremonies is present to guide the relatives and ensure the smooth running of the ceremony.

If you wish, all of the deceased's subscriptions can also be canceled (telephone, internet, gas, ...) and social networks closed. This is to alleviate administrative tasks and allow for a peaceful mourning process.

Organizing a funeral without having to travel: the ecological gesture

Not having to visit a store limits your carbon footprint by reducing your greenhouse gas emissions.

Next, we have implemented a complete eco-responsible approach, particularly by planting a memorial tree for each family we accompany. Beyond the ecological gesture, it is also a symbol that pays tribute to the deceased. More than 1500 trees have already been planted in France due to this initiative.

To complement this approach, we also offer:

  • Recycled cardboard coffins and urns made in France. This helps to limit the consumption of wood for making the coffin.

  • Limiting the use of preservation treatments. These are chemicals that pollute soils and groundwater.

  • Closing the deceased's accounts and subscriptions to stop multiple paper mailings, reminders, or information letters.

  • Terminating social media accounts, reducing the electrical consumption of computer servers unnecessarily hosting the deceased's data.

For more information on the online funeral organization offered by Advitam, you can contact us at +33 9 77 55 39 39 or request a funeral quote on our website.

Attending the funeral from home or from abroad

During the COVID-19 health crisis, we have set up a live video streaming service at Advitam to allow relatives to attend the funeral while in confinement.

This service, which is free of charge, is available to all families we accompany and all funeral professionals. This way, everyone can have access to it.

This tool is still available to families today, so that loved ones who cannot attend the funeral can at least be present remotely.