Graves, tombstones and burials in France

Different types of burials in France

Illustrations of the main burial models in France, from classic to Chinese, including Christian, Muslim, and Jewish ones.

Now that the different elements of a burial are no longer a secret to you, here are some examples of different funeral burial models.

Models without a stele

These are generally simple monuments, but some embellishments are possible, such as the addition of a planter, a kneeling bench, or a cross embedded in the stone, for example.

Classic burials

These are found in many French cemeteries. They are called "classic" in the sense that they have all the traditional elements of French burials, namely the tombstone, the base, and the stele.

There is a wide variety of tombstones, and even more so for steles which can be traditional, slanted, heart-shaped, etc.

Muslim burials

Muslim monuments generally do not have tombstones but rather a bed of gravel. The stele is also specific and easily recognizable.

Chinese burials

Chinese monuments are often imposing, in the sense that the concessionaire may want to leave a mark in the history of their wealth and the respectability of their family. The more imposing the monument, the more powerful the family was in their time.

Christian burials

France being a historically Christian country, Christian monuments strongly resemble classic monuments, except that the Christian affiliation is clearly indicated by the presence of a cross, which can be on the tombstone or on the stele.

Jewish burials

Like Christian monuments, Jewish monuments indicate a strong affiliation with Judaism by the addition of a Star of David.

To learn about our tombstone models, you can consult our tombstone catalog and request a quote directly online.