Funeral legal framework in France

Body reduction and consolidation: How to do it in France?

To make room for other deceased individuals, a reduction or consolidation of bodies may be necessary. What are the procedures to follow?

Whether it's to bring the bodies of several deceased individuals closer together or to make room for other deceased family members, a reduction or reunion of bodies may be necessary. What are the steps to take in France?

Réduction réunion de corps

Reduction and reunion of bodies, what is it?

Body reduction consists of moving the remains of a deceased person, who was previously in a coffin, to a reliquary. It is mainly performed to free up space in a family burial site. Another possible case: body reduction can be carried out when transferring a concession or when the concession is taken back by the municipality.

Body reunion, on the other hand, involves gathering the remains of several deceased individuals in the same reliquary to physically bring two or more people closer together. For example, spouses or members of the same family. The goal can also be to free up space in the burial site.

What are the conditions to be met to carry out these procedures?

Body reduction or reunion is a relatively complex procedure that naturally requires a lot of precautions. Several conditions must be met:

  • In the eyes of the law, they are considered exhumations, and the request must be made at least 5 years after the death. In practice, it is necessary to wait at least a decade to ensure that the body's decomposition is sufficient and that the reduction or reunion can take place.

  • The concession owner or the beneficiary must give their consent.

  • The consent of the deceased's closest relative, legitimate or otherwise, is required: the spouse, children, parents, and finally, siblings.

Moreover, it is common for cemeteries to be very cautious about this procedure and to require many guarantees. In particular, it is not uncommon for all the beneficiaries of the deceased individuals to be reunited to give their consent. For grandparents or great-grandparents, this can quickly become complicated.

You can find more legal details in this note from the DGCL (Direction Générale des Collectivités Territoriales - General Directorate of Local Authorities).

The steps to take for a body reduction or reunion in France

Estimated duration: 15 days
  1. Contact the cemetery

    It is important to ask what rules are required by the cemetery and what documents they need. This can vary greatly from one cemetery to another. The processing times can also be relatively long. It is important to anticipate as much as possible.

  2. Request authorization from the town hall

    The town hall of the cemetery must issue an authorization. The deceased's closest relative must make the request and provide all the required supporting documents.

    When making the request, several documents must be provided:

    • The applicant's civil status

    • Proof of residence

    • The reason why the applicant wants to carry out a body reduction or reunion

This request can be made directly by a funeral agency, such as Advitam, which will handle the entire administrative part for you.

For more information or to request a funeral quote, you can contact us at +33 (0)9 77 55 39 39 or do it directly on our website.