Funeral procedures in France

Everything you need to know about the french death statement

The french death statement is a mandatory administrative document required for many procedures. Here is everything there is to know about this subject.

The death certificate is a mandatory administrative document and is necessary for all administrative procedures. It should not be confused with the certificate of death.

L'acte de décès : tout savoir

What information is included in a death certificate?

It contains all the civil status information related to the person's death and their family environment, namely:

  • The identity of the deceased

  • The date, time, and place of their death

  • Their date and place of birth

  • Their address and profession

  • The first and last names of the parents, their professions, and residences

  • The first and last name of the spouse or civil union partner

  • The first and last name, age, profession, and residence of the declarant

  • The degree of relationship between the declarant and the deceased, if applicable

The mention of the death is then recorded on the other civil status documents, such as the deceased's birth certificate, marriage certificate, or family record book.

What is a death certificate used for?

The death certificate allows for completing all the administrative procedures following the loss of a loved one:

  • Access the deceased's estate (by requesting it from the notary)

  • Request the closure of the deceased's bank accounts

  • Obtain an employer's certificate to get days off

  • Request the regularization of retirement and pension files

  • Apply for a survivor's pension

  • Ensure the payment of insurance benefits

  • ...

How to obtain a death certificate?

If the death has just occurred, it is necessary to declare the death at the town hall of the place of death. They will issue the death certificate. The death declaration can be made by a family member of the deceased or by a funeral service company.

If the death is older, anyone can obtain the death certificate. There is no need to have a family connection with the deceased to request it. The death certificate is a public civil status document.

To obtain it, you must request it from the town hall where the death occurred or the town hall where the deceased last lived. You will just need to provide the deceased's first and last name and the date of death.

You can go in person to request it, by mail, or directly online. By going to the town hall, you can obtain it immediately.

It is important to request several copies for various procedures: closing the bank account, inheritance, lease termination, etc. The creation and photocopying of documents are free, so do not hesitate to request many copies.

If the death occurred abroad and the death certificate has not been registered in the French registry, you must request it from the Central Civil Status Service in Nantes.